Darrel Stott is an international motivational speaker giving solutions to anger,depression,unforgiveness and sharing how to be happy and have joy. Darrel Stott,Daryl Stott,Darrel Scott,god,jesus,bible,revival,prophet,prophetic,depression,Joy,emotional help, Darrel Stott Darrel Stott thots: February 2014

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

"I Cannot Do It God"

Just Give Up!

By Darrel E. Stott

God touched and changed my life in a very dramatic way twenty years ago at “Catch the Fire” church in Toronto Canada with pastor John Arnott.  The touch from the hand of God in Toronto changed every area of my life.  It was no small thing.  It was dramatic and amazing.

Imagine a pastor who never had enough money to buy an airplane ticket anywhere that now lives on airplanes and travels the world for over ten months a year.  Is that amazing?  Yes it is.

I used to preach to a few hundred people and now often I preach to many thousands of people.

I had a speech problem as a teenager and never participated in any oral work in school but when Jesus healed me he sent me preaching to many nations in every part of the world.  Is that amazing?

But before God healed me I was totally frustrated with my life.  I thought as a young man that I would have the power of God and heal the sick and do miracles.  But as a pastor for twenty years it never happened.  Instead I was baby setting a bunch of spoiled baby boomers who wanted everything done to please them.  They were not concerned with the rest of the world only “their world”.

I had fasted and prayed and done everything I knew how to do to get the attention of God.  Why did He not help me?

At the beginning of October 1994 I told me friends that “I had given up on my dreams”.    I had given up on my ability to be a good pastor.  I also had given up on God answering my prayers and filling me with the power of the Holy Spirit to do miracles.

I began to make my plans for a transition out of the ministry into another vocation.

Within one week of me “giving Up” God began to implement his plan to change and bless me.  In less than two weeks the hand of God was on me with His power flowing through my body.  I was shaking and vibrating for hours under the power of God.

How desperate for God are you?

In a few months I will put all of my old books on revival as “EBooks on Amazon”.  These books are so practical and have helped thousands of people be touched by God.
If you are desperate for God and frustrated it is such a relief when you reach the end of your ability.  You just “Give UP”.

Now if anything good happens in your life it “has to be God” as you have proven you do not have the ability to change your life.

God loves it when we give up.  Then we have to rely and trust in him.

Friend today “Just Give UP” and get ready for a miracle.