Darrel Stott is an international motivational speaker giving solutions to anger,depression,unforgiveness and sharing how to be happy and have joy. Darrel Stott,Daryl Stott,Darrel Scott,god,jesus,bible,revival,prophet,prophetic,depression,Joy,emotional help, Darrel Stott Darrel Stott thots: December 2010

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Monday, December 6, 2010

God Will Help You!

By Bishop Darrel E Stott

Are You Afraid?

When you are in trouble and you have no idea where to look for help what are you suppose to do? The problem allows fear to come into your life and a spirit of “torment” always accompanies FEAR. Has God sent the FEAR to you” This is what the Bible teaches us:

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but power, and love, and a sound mind. 2Ti 1:7

What is your best option? The Bible gives this advice:

Ask God for Help through Prayer:

Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and you shall glorify me. Psa 50:15

Call to Me (GOD) and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand). Jer 33:3

The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knows them that trust in him. Nah 1:7

When times of testing come into our lives immediately our attention goes to the problem and fear attempts to come upon us crippling our hope and thinking process. But if we can slow our thinking and “live by what the WORD of GOD teaches us not our emotions we will be okay!

So shall they respect the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. Then when the enemy shall come in like a flood making them unable to think because of fear, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a shield of protection against the devil and stop him. Isa 59:19

This Blog Today Can Change your Future!

How? I have given you the opinion of GOD taken from versed in the Bible. Faith in God for a miracle comes from “hearing the WORD of God”. As you are reading my Blog today you are reading verses from the Bible and they are putting hope and Faith in you spirit. This FAITH is small but it is now greater than the Fear you had a few minutes ago.

How to Receive your Miracle!

First- Meditate on the opinion of God. To meditate you must run the Bible verses over and over in your mind so you understand them and believe them regardless of your problems.

Second- Now add FAITH to what the Bible says and believe it. Here is the KEY!

When you take the promises of God’s WORD the Bible and add to them FAITH it will result in you have divine intervention from God and receiving a Miracle! Wow this is downright exciting!

Why do People Send Money for Missions Each Month?

So many people know that poor people in many countries do not have the information that I am giving you. Secondly they do not have a person who believes the Bible to pray for them. Therefore many send my ministry missionary money so that I am able to go to the people in these poor countries.

A high percentage of people receive their answer to prayer because a person of FAITH prays with them in agreement asking God for the solution.

Today I Will Agree with YOU for a Miracle!

“Dear Jesus we come to you as your children confessing our need of you. Today we are “calling on your name to come and help us and that your will answer our prayers because of your love for us. Right now I agree with each person reading this BLOG that they will believe the WORD of God in this blog and it will remove the Fear and Torment from their minds. In Jesus name let Hope and Faith come into them right now! We take the power you have given us to destroy the works of the devil and set these people free. If they need a job the favor of God will come on them with favor. Creativity will come into their minds. If they need health the healing power of Jesus will come into their bodies destroying the sickness and pain. Jesus we ask you now to release the healing power into their bodies.”


God bless you and believe for the miracle.

In the name of Jesus

Darrel Stott
