Darrel Stott is an international motivational speaker giving solutions to anger,depression,unforgiveness and sharing how to be happy and have joy. Darrel Stott,Daryl Stott,Darrel Scott,god,jesus,bible,revival,prophet,prophetic,depression,Joy,emotional help, Darrel Stott Darrel Stott thots: July 2010

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Together We Can Do It

I was born in Tril BC, Canada where the winters are very cold. When the winter begins the ice may not be as thick as we think. If you fall through the ice into the river or lake you will have great difficulty surviving as it is next to impossible to pull yourself onto the ice. But if you have two friends with you and they lay on the ice spreading their bodies out on the ice so they will not break through then they will be able to take your hands and pull you onto the ice. The key is “working together”r.

Add Wisdom to Knowledge

The Bible speaks about the importance of gaining Knowledge which is information. But then we are to add wisdom to the knowledge. The Bible tells us that there is wisdom in “many minds”. We ask for the opinion of others and as we listen we not only gain knowledge but the ability to use the knowledge in the best way because of the wisdom we get from others.
In business so often companies do not reach they potential as they do not know what steps they need to take to break through into great success. What is missing is the input of knowledgeable people giving them the wisdom they need.

2010-11 Are Years of Great Opportunity!

I believe that 2010-11 are years of some of the greatest opportunities for success that we have ever lived. It is true that most of the world is in a financial crisis but according to Isaiah 60: Christians who learn what the Glory of God is then enter and live in it will result in great success in their lives. God wants to receive praise and glory by displaying his favor and success on us His children during these difficult years of crisis. He receives praise and awe when other marvel at our success when others are struggling. We do not take the credit but we give all the credit to God.

What to Do When You are Having a Hard Time?

Today if you are going through a testing season in your life be encouraged. Reach out to God and to others for help and wisdom. Ask God to bring the right people into your life to advice and counsel you. Ask God to give you an attitude of expectancy and an attitude of expecting good things t happen. Give no opportunity to doubt and fear for God is your heavenly father and he loves to bless His children.

Let’s Reach Out and Help Others

Lastly as God is good to us and blessing us let each of us reach out to help others who are alone in a time of need. I spend my life going to other countries looking to encourage and be a blessing to those who feel hopeless. God has been so good to me but now I must share God’s goodness with others.