Darrel Stott is an international motivational speaker giving solutions to anger,depression,unforgiveness and sharing how to be happy and have joy. Darrel Stott,Daryl Stott,Darrel Scott,god,jesus,bible,revival,prophet,prophetic,depression,Joy,emotional help, Darrel Stott Darrel Stott thots: 2010

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Monday, December 6, 2010

God Will Help You!

By Bishop Darrel E Stott

Are You Afraid?

When you are in trouble and you have no idea where to look for help what are you suppose to do? The problem allows fear to come into your life and a spirit of “torment” always accompanies FEAR. Has God sent the FEAR to you” This is what the Bible teaches us:

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but power, and love, and a sound mind. 2Ti 1:7

What is your best option? The Bible gives this advice:

Ask God for Help through Prayer:

Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and you shall glorify me. Psa 50:15

Call to Me (GOD) and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand). Jer 33:3

The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knows them that trust in him. Nah 1:7

When times of testing come into our lives immediately our attention goes to the problem and fear attempts to come upon us crippling our hope and thinking process. But if we can slow our thinking and “live by what the WORD of GOD teaches us not our emotions we will be okay!

So shall they respect the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. Then when the enemy shall come in like a flood making them unable to think because of fear, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a shield of protection against the devil and stop him. Isa 59:19

This Blog Today Can Change your Future!

How? I have given you the opinion of GOD taken from versed in the Bible. Faith in God for a miracle comes from “hearing the WORD of God”. As you are reading my Blog today you are reading verses from the Bible and they are putting hope and Faith in you spirit. This FAITH is small but it is now greater than the Fear you had a few minutes ago.

How to Receive your Miracle!

First- Meditate on the opinion of God. To meditate you must run the Bible verses over and over in your mind so you understand them and believe them regardless of your problems.

Second- Now add FAITH to what the Bible says and believe it. Here is the KEY!

When you take the promises of God’s WORD the Bible and add to them FAITH it will result in you have divine intervention from God and receiving a Miracle! Wow this is downright exciting!

Why do People Send Money for Missions Each Month?

So many people know that poor people in many countries do not have the information that I am giving you. Secondly they do not have a person who believes the Bible to pray for them. Therefore many send my ministry missionary money so that I am able to go to the people in these poor countries.

A high percentage of people receive their answer to prayer because a person of FAITH prays with them in agreement asking God for the solution.

Today I Will Agree with YOU for a Miracle!

“Dear Jesus we come to you as your children confessing our need of you. Today we are “calling on your name to come and help us and that your will answer our prayers because of your love for us. Right now I agree with each person reading this BLOG that they will believe the WORD of God in this blog and it will remove the Fear and Torment from their minds. In Jesus name let Hope and Faith come into them right now! We take the power you have given us to destroy the works of the devil and set these people free. If they need a job the favor of God will come on them with favor. Creativity will come into their minds. If they need health the healing power of Jesus will come into their bodies destroying the sickness and pain. Jesus we ask you now to release the healing power into their bodies.”


God bless you and believe for the miracle.

In the name of Jesus

Darrel Stott


Monday, September 27, 2010

"Embrace Your Frustration"

By Darrel E Stott

To be “frustrated” means having experienced disappointed expectations and unfulfilled ambitions.

Everyone w.ill goes through times frustration. This is part of life. But having a correct view of your frustration can mean experiencing hopelessness, anger and depression or experiencing excitement, joy and hope. The choice is ours.
Let me share with you some lessons I have learned about my frustrations.

1) Being frustrated means a time of potential change.

I used to pray for God to remove my frustration but now I try to see the change that God wants to bring into my life.

As an example when a person finds out they are being terminated at their job it is often a very traumatic experience. What do you feel? Often you are angry because your financial security is being taken away from you. Fear will attempt to come on you that you will not be able to find another job as good as this one. How will you ever pay your bills? The fear can lead you into depression and torment. At end of the day you cannot sleep as you are overcome with anxiety.

A Correct Perspective of losing your job would be:

You recognize that you did not have the courage to quit your job and look for a better paying job. You feel inferior and lack your ability to find a better job. Now you understand that God wants to give you a promotion so in His love and wisdom he allows for you to be terminated.

Many people work at jobs they never enjoy. They do the job because it pays them a salary. But God has put talents and ideas inside of you He wants you to expand and enjoy. This is why God has allowed for you to be terminated.

Now you smile and feel great joy and physical energy to look for the promotion that God has for you. Most people have never learned this lesson. If you have the right perspective it will change many things in your life.

We need to remind ourselves that we have an enemy called the devil. His plan for our lives is to bring something into our lives to “steal our JOY”. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. When we have JOY we are strong. If the devil can rob your JOY then you become weak and vulnerable to his plan.

God has a great plan for you and your future. But the devil wants to side track you from God’s great plan and brings a detour into your life through “FEAR”. Once you are a prisoner of
FEAR you have a wrong perspective about everything. Now you will make wrong choices. Now you see the frustration as your enemy. Instead of embracing it you want it removed.

2) Frustration is the door for a “promotion” in your life.

The plan of God is bless you so that you will experience success in all areas of your life. When you read the Old Testament have you noticed how the great men and women of God were so often rich financially? This is not an accident but it is the plan of God.

When you know you are at a time of promotion in your life it releases you mind to be open to new thing, new people and new opportunities.

Now you do not look for another job that is the same but a better job, a better opportunity because God is with you! You must believe that. Remember that times of hardship and crisis are times of opportunity for the children of God. Others are afraid but we believe we are called of God to be the solution to people’s problems. Our minds are to be supernatural and filled with the wisdom of God. AMEN

When the children of Israel were going to be destroyed by the giant Goliath and everyone was full of fear the Bible tells us David had a different perspective. Remember he was young, others did not see him as qualified but he believed he was the solution to the problem.

When he looked at Goliath he smiled and said to the men ‘How much money is the reward for killing that Giant and removing this problem?” He refuses to be fearful but seizes a moment with everyone is full of fear and they have no solution. He becomes the solution.

When he solved the problem and killed the Giant Goliath it resulted in immense “promotion” in his personal life. David would have never have become king of Israel without experiencing the problem of Goliath.

In conclusion

Recognize “frustration” for what it is.

Frustration is a sign from God of change and an opportunity for promotion.

Do not listen to negative people but get alone with God and see the problems through God’s perspective.

Now you can buy a house for 4% not 14%. Is this a big saving? When many companies are going out of business this is an opportunity for NEW business. When there is high unemployment it means there are many people willing to work for a lower wage. Just get the right perspective.

"Embrace Your Frustration" Embrace your Frustration

By Darrel E Stott

To be “frustrated” means having experienced disappointed expectations and unfulfilled ambitions. Everyone w.ill goes through times frustration. This is part of life. But having a correct view of your frustration can mean experiencing hopelessness, anger and depression or experiencing excitement, joy and hope. The choice is ours.
Let me share with you some lessons I have learned about my frustrations.

1) Being frustrated means a time of potential change.

I used to pray for God to remove my frustration but now I try to see the change that God wants to bring into my life.

As an example when a person finds out they are being terminated at their job it is often a very traumatic experience. What do you feel? Often you are angry because your financial security is being taken away from you. Fear will attempt to come on you that you will not be able to find another job as good as this one. How will you ever pay your bills? The fear can lead you into depression and torment. At end of the day you cannot sleep as you are overcome with anxiety.

A Correct Perspective of losing your job would be:

You recognize that you did not have the courage to quit your job and look for a better paying job. You feel inferior and lack your ability to find a better job. Now you understand that God wants to give you a promotion so in His love and wisdom he allows for you to be terminated.

Many people work at jobs they never enjoy. They do the job because it pays them a salary. But God has put talents and ideas inside of you He wants you to expand and enjoy. This is why God has allowed for you to be terminated.

Now you smile and feel great joy and physical energy to look for the promotion that God has for you. Most people have never learned this lesson. If you have the right perspective it will change many things in your life.

We need to remind ourselves that we have an enemy called the devil. His plan for our lives is to bring something into our lives to “steal our JOY”. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. When we have JOY we are strong. If the devil can rob your JOY then you become weak and vulnerable to his plan.

God has a great plan for you and your future. But the devil wants to side track you from God’s great plan and brings a detour into your life through “FEAR”. Once you are a prisoner of
FEAR you have a wrong perspective about everything. Now you will make wrong choices. Now you see the frustration as your enemy. Instead of embracing it you want it removed.

2) Frustration is the door for a “promotion” in your life.

The plan of God is bless you so that you will experience success in all areas of your life. When you read the Old Testament have you noticed how the great men and women of God were so often rich financially? This is not an accident but it is the plan of God.

When you know you are at a time of promotion in your life it releases you mind to be open to new thing, new people and new opportunities.

Now you do not look for another job that is the same but a better job, a better opportunity because God is with you! You must believe that. Remember that times of hardship and crisis are times of opportunity for the children of God. Others are afraid but we believe we are called of God to be the solution to people’s problems. Our minds are to be supernatural and filled with the wisdom of God. AMEN

When the children of Israel were going to be destroyed by the giant Goliath and everyone was full of fear the Bible tells us David had a different perspective. Remember he was young, others did not see him as qualified but he believed he was the solution to the problem.

When he looked at Goliath he smiled and said to the men ‘How much money is the reward for killing that Giant and removing this problem?” He refuses to be fearful but seizes a moment with everyone is full of fear and they have no solution. He becomes the solution.

When he solved the problem and killed the Giant Goliath it resulted in immense “promotion” in his personal life. David would have never have become king of Israel without experiencing the problem of Goliath.

In conclusion

Recognize “frustration” for what it is.

Frustration is a sign from God of change and an opportunity for promotion.

Do not listen to negative people but get alone with God and see the problems through God’s perspective.

Now you can buy a house for 4% not 14%. Is this a big saving? When many companies are going out of business this is an opportunity for NEW business. When there is high unemployment it means there are many people willing to work for a lower wage. Just get the right perspective.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Together We Can Do It

I was born in Tril BC, Canada where the winters are very cold. When the winter begins the ice may not be as thick as we think. If you fall through the ice into the river or lake you will have great difficulty surviving as it is next to impossible to pull yourself onto the ice. But if you have two friends with you and they lay on the ice spreading their bodies out on the ice so they will not break through then they will be able to take your hands and pull you onto the ice. The key is “working together”r.

Add Wisdom to Knowledge

The Bible speaks about the importance of gaining Knowledge which is information. But then we are to add wisdom to the knowledge. The Bible tells us that there is wisdom in “many minds”. We ask for the opinion of others and as we listen we not only gain knowledge but the ability to use the knowledge in the best way because of the wisdom we get from others.
In business so often companies do not reach they potential as they do not know what steps they need to take to break through into great success. What is missing is the input of knowledgeable people giving them the wisdom they need.

2010-11 Are Years of Great Opportunity!

I believe that 2010-11 are years of some of the greatest opportunities for success that we have ever lived. It is true that most of the world is in a financial crisis but according to Isaiah 60: Christians who learn what the Glory of God is then enter and live in it will result in great success in their lives. God wants to receive praise and glory by displaying his favor and success on us His children during these difficult years of crisis. He receives praise and awe when other marvel at our success when others are struggling. We do not take the credit but we give all the credit to God.

What to Do When You are Having a Hard Time?

Today if you are going through a testing season in your life be encouraged. Reach out to God and to others for help and wisdom. Ask God to bring the right people into your life to advice and counsel you. Ask God to give you an attitude of expectancy and an attitude of expecting good things t happen. Give no opportunity to doubt and fear for God is your heavenly father and he loves to bless His children.

Let’s Reach Out and Help Others

Lastly as God is good to us and blessing us let each of us reach out to help others who are alone in a time of need. I spend my life going to other countries looking to encourage and be a blessing to those who feel hopeless. God has been so good to me but now I must share God’s goodness with others.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Latvian Prison

Depression #1 with Darrel Stott

Depression is Very Serious

Depression is like a python snake that wraps itself around you squeezing the dreams, hope and purpose of life from you and bringing you to a place where “you will give up”.

Depression wants to take you to the place of where you do not want to live but die. Why? Because God has a great plan for your future. Therefore the devil wants you to
1) Quit believing and bring fear and hopelessness on you like a dark cloud
2) Kill you physically. I am not joking.

We thank God for doctors and drugs they can give temporary relief but they are not the solution. Tonight you will learn of the solution and get the help you need! Smile I have great news for you!

I am now ministering in Europe and seeing Jesus Christ do some of the most wonderful emotional healings that I have seen anywhere in my ministry! It is thrilling!

The first city that I went to in France the leaders showed me the area on the ocean and it was so beautiful overlooking the ocean and the house were all very nice. It is a retirement area where people come after they retire in the cities. The leaders told me that a large percentage of the population are extremely depressed and fell hopeless. Then I went to five more cities and the stories were the same.

I was confused trying to figure out how people that had so much could be depressed? When I am in Latvia, Estonia, Indonesia or China I can understand how the poor people with little money and so much emotional pain and sickness can be depressed and feel hopeless but how can this happen in Europe where the people have a good standard of living.

When I went to the meeting where I knew no one I knew I had to give them good news as the great command of Jesus in Mark 16 tells us that we must find the problems of the people then give them good news. When I talked to the people I soon learned that 50% were Roman Catholic and 50% were of protestant back ground.

What Would You Tell the People?

Can I ask you a question? If you were Darrel Stott standing in front of all these depressed people what would you tell them? I was there for one night and had only one opportunity to share something with them

This is what I shared “I am very happy to be with you tonight. My name is Darrel Stott and I am a prophet of Jesus Christ and I am here to prophecy to you about your future and then demonstrate the power of Jesus Christ to you. Tonight will be one of the best nights of your life!

Tonight God will take away your fear, your hopeless and your depression. Tonight Jesus Christ will heal you and take away your poverty and bring financial improvement in your life. I want you to look at me because I am the solution to your problems. God does not live in heaven but he lives inside of me.

Where Does God live?

God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit all live inside of me. And in Luke 9 Jesus told me two things: Jesus said, “Papa Darrel that is my name, I give you POWER to heal the sick and number 2, Papa Darrel I give you POWER over every demon and evil spirit in hell.

If you have invited Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and God you are the same as me. But let me explain. Most Christians know this intellectually but they do not believe it. The reason God will give you a miracle tonight is that “FAITH” in Jesus brings your miracle into reality in your life.

My name is papa Darrel (Stott) and “I believe that tonight is your night for a miracle”. Tonight the black cloud of hopeless and depression will leave as I drive the spirits of hell out of your life. Do you understand! The Bible tells us that if you believe what Jesus says about your situation that you will experience a miracle tonight not tomorrow or a year from now!

Good things come from GOD and bad things come from the devil. Tonight you are not here by accident but God has arranged for you to be here tonight as YOU have an appointment with GOD that is going to change your life!

Are you ready for a MIRACLE! Get ready the POWER of JESUS CHRIST is going to come on you. He is here now!
*To be continued......

*Watch for “Depression II”

*Attend a “Darrel Stott Miracle Healing Meeting”

Darrel Stott’s Web site: www.Darrel Stott.com

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Are You Depressed today? I Have the Answer!

Darrel Stott a few days ago in jungle

Are You Feeling Depressed Today?

How does one define depression?  I don’t know but I have been depressed many times.  I am an expert at being depressed.  But I don’t feel bad about it.  Why?

King David

King David in the Bible was a mighty king and a priest of God and he was pretty cool.  All the women loved him as he as handsome, a hero and a wonderful worship leader and musician.  He had a lot going for him.  When I read his life he is definitely on my hero list!  And he is someone to be admired.

But this same man went through times when those over him wanted to kill him.  Yes not just gossip about him but kill him.  They were jealous of him and despised him.  David had this favor on him because one day the preacher from the church visited his house and poured 5 liters or two gallons of oil on him.  When the preacher did this everyone knew it was a sign of God anointing or separating David apart from his old life and separating him unto go’s purposes. 

God’s Anointing

When the anointing comes on a person the blessing and favor of God comes on them.  Are you aware that you can have the same anointing of the Spirit of God come on you as David had?  I am not talking of joining a church or a religion but through intimacy with Jesus Christ that he will fill you so full of his love, peace and joy along with His power that you whole life will change.

No matter how they tried to kill him, slow him down or hinder him in any way they were never successful.  Why?  Because of the “anointing of the Holy Spirit” the Bible tells us not strategy or attack of the devil will be successful in our lives.

King David was depressed and he desired to quit!

But at times he wanted to quit and just die he was totally depressed.  At these times he would get alone with God and allow God to refresh him.

We may feel hopeless and discouraged or full of fear but nothing bad will happen to us because God is with us.  God did not adopt us as His Child in order to have us destroyed.  His plan is a good plan and a plan of success.

If I told you my story you would probably feel encouraged as my may be worse than yours.  Let me share a lesson with you that I have learned.

The number one1 thing the devil wants me to do is QUIT!

Have you ever felt like you have failed God and should quit?

Look what David did.

1.  He saw a beautiful neighbor lady having a bath who was a friend of his so he set out to have sex with her and he committed adultery.  Wow now he is not so cool.  To make matters worse she got pregnant!
2.  After having sex with his friend’s wife he decided he wanted her as his wife.  He was a Godly king and a Priest but his solution was to arrange to have her husband killed.  Now is that bad?  That is worse than bad that is downright low!

He thought he got away with it all then a prophet came and revealed everything and his life became meaningless.   

3. All he could think about was his sins.  He was totally depressed not wanting to live.

Wow now he fell on the floor crying and begging God for forgiveness and God forgave him. 

David’s life was up and down up and down.  But at the end of his life God looked and David and said “David is a man after my own heart”.  Yes so amazing that was God’s perspective.

When I look back on my life I remember all my faults and I am sure others do as well.  But what I forget is God sees me through the precious blood of Jesus.  He sees me as sinless and beautiful

In conclusion this I what I am trying to say:  Because we are so close to the second return of Jesus for His church we do not have time for depression and mind games. The devil wants us to sleep and sit around and just quit!  But we will refuse to quit no matter how low we feel.
   God loves you and forgives your sin

2)      1.  God’s intention is to bless and help you

4)      2.  His plan is to give you power so you will experience success in everything you do.

3.  Get ready for God and the angels to assist you in all things.  Get ready for good news.  

 4. Smile and make others smile.  If you feel no joy then watch one hour of Mr. Bean movie a day.

God’s plan is to refresh you, energize you and bring the power of the Holy Spirit into your daily life.  He and his power are so real.

Look at my web site and see the great things God is doing today around the world.

                                                 Darrel smiling in remote village in Indonesia

Friday, April 16, 2010

Living a Life of Convenience or Sacrifice?

                                                                  Darrel Stott in Jungle

Living a Life of Convenience or a Life of Sacrifice?

The word “convenient” is found one time in the Bible.  The word “sacrifice” is found numerous times in the Bible.

In most of the world people want to live a live of convenience.  Without realizing it we can easily become selfish and we set our goals for what benefits us and our family to the neglect of others and the Kingdom of God.

Convenience and Selfishness joined together as life style are direct enemies of the plan of God for your life.

The Bible tells us if we desire to be great in the Kingdom of God we must become the servants of all.  Yes we must serve others and their needs.

When God introduced Abraham to the life style of FAITH and trust in God he asked him to sacrifice the one thing that was the closest to his heart.  Yes God asked for his only son Isaac.

When the people were starving and the word came that the solution was for Jacob to give his youngest son as a sacrifice and then all would have the food they needed God was teaching them and us some basic lessons. 

We must learn to be apart of the Kingdom of God involves a life style of sacrifice for all in the Kingdom.

Paul the apostle said that we must “die daily to ourselves and our selfish desires”.  Then he says we must “crucify” or “kill” them

Look at some of what Unger’s Bible Dictionary says about the word SACRIFICE:

Scripture Terms. The following terms are used to express the sacrificial act:

1. Something given; a gift (Gen 32:13,18,20-21; 43:11; etc.); tribute (2 Sam 8:2,6; 2 Kings 17:4); an offering to God (1 Chron 16:29; Isa 1:13), spoken especially of a bloodless offering (Heb. minha; see Meat Offering, below).

2. Something brought near, an offering as a symbol of communion or covenant between man and God (Heb. qorban).

Indeed, to sacrifice seems as natural to man as to pray; the one indicates what he feels about himself, the other what he feels about God. The one means a felt need of propitiation, the other a felt sense of dependence" (Edersheim, The Temple, p. 81).

Fundamental Idea. The fundamental idea of sacrifices may be gathered partly from their designation, partly from their nature. Sacrifices do not appear to have been instituted at first by divine command.

Why am I talking to you today about the word sacrifice?

I believe sacrifice must be emphasized to all Christian believers as part of our life style today if we are to attain the goals that God puts before us and to be successful in evangelizing the world with the Gospel of Jesus!

Great things just don’t happen!  There is a price to be paid for greatness!  Part of the price is for us all to sacrifice our personal desires and take on the desires of God!

I am so excited this year and as I look into the future to the year 2015.  I believe that the great resources of heaven have come to join with us now in this great harvest season!

Yes the worst of hell and the best of heaven are going to have a show down!  We have to have oil in our lamps being full of the Holy Spirit and be in spiritual and physical condition.  Our eyes must be on the Holy Spirit and not be imitating others success.  Lastly we must be full of FAITH and so excited over the hour we are in that God has called us to succeed!

In a time of world recession I have agreed to partner with orphanages in Africa, Orphanages in China and Nepal.  I have agreed to partner with a Bible School in China and to mentor as many as I can in the teachings of the Glory of God and intimacy with Jesus!


This word will damm us so we will not take long to discuss it.  Just notice that King Felix was about the most important decision in his life but he instead made a wrong discision because of this word “convenient”.

Acts 24:25
25 As Paul discoursed on righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, "That's enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you." (from New International Version)

I will say no more about that word!

But let me be up front with you! 
I cannot do what God has called me to do without your help.  We must be a team that works together loveing and honoring each other.  Yes I need your help, prayers and financial support.

I am expecting the most exciting thrilling years of my life in the next five years!

Darrel Stott

Email: Glorywalk1@aol.com

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Let's Stay Happy!"

Stay happy

In recent years I spend a large amount of time in Indonesia.  In the last 10 years the country has experienced large growth in Christianity.  Many pastors desire to copy the style of America or Hill song in Australia.  When they watch these countries on TV they see the professional image of excellence.

Then they come to me and say, “Papa Darrel…why are you so happy?” or “Do you know people in Indonesia call you many names?”  I asked what the names they call me are.

They smile and say, “Some call you the “Holy Spirit Bartender”, or “The Master at Being Drunk in the Holy Spirit”.  I will smile and think to myself that they could say worse.

I believe in excellence and that God uses great talent.  But when I ask myself what has brought such a great revival to Indonesia it was not a result of talent or excellence.  A young man told me this week “Papa Darrel in our church we are asked not to speak in tongues Sunday Morning and that now our service will only be one and one half hour.

I thought to myself how sad this is.  This is what happened in America in the 1980’s.  We thought if we could become user friendly with our meetings that our churches would grow.  Oh Oh did you hear what I said?
Our goal was “church growth”!  What a big mistake!

Why has such a revival come to Indonesia?

1)    -   Persecution drove the churches to fasting and prayer.  It is a country of prayer with at least six prayer mountains.  All churches fast for 30 in the month of January.  All night prayer meetings are common.
2)    -   Emphasis on hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and obeying.
3)    -Music that welcomed the Holy Spirit
4)    -Humility and preference to others.
5)      -As a country Indonesia was one of the only countries in the world to embrace the “Toronto Revival in 1994.  They loved the joy and drunkenness in the Holy Spirit.

So now they expect me to go back to where I was for 27 yrs a traditional Pentecostal serious pastor wearing black suits and ties. 
What is my response?  “Never!!!”  I have found intimacy with Jesus and feel is love, peace and acceptance.  His voice is so kind to me.

Last week I was with my AOG interpreter who is a pastor’s wife in Jakarta.  As we stood to minister in a small church in the jungle all we did for 45 minutes was laugh!  Yes laugh.  The presence of Jesus was so strong and we all laughed.  The people were so refreshed, ministered to and healed.

Does your Bible say, “The Joy of the Lord is your strength?  Mine does..  Why change once you have found Intimacy with Jesus.

Avoid taking yourself and ministry so serious.  Lighten up and let God make you a refreshing “Drink Offering”.

Enjoy Jesus and life he has given you! 

Monday, February 22, 2010

What Is It Like to be a Missionary?

Watch Darrel Stott in Papua Indonesia


I have been traveling as a missionary around the world to 17 countries for 12 years. Yes I was a pastor for many years and I enjoyed it but really it was all preparation for what I do now.

Why is my job description?

How Do I Travel

I am called to be a Prophet to the nations and demonstrate the power of Jesus Christ bringing hope and solutions to those in need! Europe I travel 12- 14 hrs on long flights in coach class.  A number of years ago I had bypass surgery on my heart.  They took veins from my legs to put in my heart.  This creates a problem for me on long flights as my foot and leg swell up.  So I have to move around much on these flights.

Airplanes, boats and helicopters

In Indonesia where I spend much time all of the airlines are declared "unsafe" by the wes standards.

I travel in fast power boats up the rivers of the jungle in Kalimantan, or at other times very slow boats going between small islands trying to hide from the scorching sun.  Thank God now there are times I travel in a helicopter into the jungle.

Four Wheel Drive

Various times I travel 11 hours on roads so rough we use a 4 wheel drive.


I sleep on the floor of airports, hotels in the cities and on the floor or mats in remote areas


I experience great variety.  In Indonesia it is usually fish, chicken and vegetables with rice or Chinese food.  In the cities it is very good.  Outside can be difficult at times.


In the cities we have large churches of up to 20,000 at a time to outside crusades in remote jungle of 200 people.  With the crusades we take all our equipment with us.  We also take power generator for the instruments and lights.  But remember one light will draw 100 fly bugs!  In other countries I meet in secret with the Christians as they have no religious freedom.

My reward for what I do:

Obviously is not money or comfort.  My reward is always to see sad people smile!  

This is the best and gives me energy!  And secondly to put a smile on Jesus as He watches me.


I do not enjoy fund raising or asking for money.

 I would just like to keep ministering but I have to pray and tell people what I do and ask God to talk to them as air travel and things are so expensive.

Thank you for your love, financial giving and prayers!

Darrel Stott

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Make Us an Example for Others!

February 2010   "Stott Thots"

"Sacrifice is Pleasing to God"

In the plan of God he loves it when we are called to sacrifice. It is not pleasant to us though. I remember when I first met Pastor Petrus Agung many years ago in the city of Semarang Indonesia. He told me he would not take a love offering for me because he wanted it to cost him financially when I preached for him. He paid the highest honorarium of any church in Indonesia.

When was the last time you gave financially what you could not afford in the missions offering? The lady who put the perfume on Jesus gave a year’s salary as her love offering to him. Do we give what is convenient or at times do we sacrifice. I think most of you would say it is a sacrifice to give what you give.

It is so pleasing to God when you example is an example for others to imitate. When Jesus left heaven to come to earth it cost him everything. We should expect that we will have to deny ourselves some of the luxuries of life to carry out the bidding of Jesus.

A young pastor’s daughter came to him and said, “Daddy I want to put all the money in my piggy bank in the church missionary offering”. He asked if she was sure and she said she was. Then she said that she knew her mom and dad wanted to someday go to Australia but they never had enough money. But she believed by her sowing all her money that God would provide a trip for them to Australia. She had saved for a long time and it hurt the parents to watch her give it all to Jesus. But soon a man in the church came with tickets for the entire family to go to Australia. The little girl sewed and they reaped.

Many times I have been leaving meetings in some remote part of the world and a person will walk up to me and say, “Papa Darrel please thank the people who gave financially so you could come to us”.

Listen to the small voice of God and He will speak to you. Obey when he speaks.

Darrel Stott

Friday, January 29, 2010

When All Your Hope is Gone

                                                    Darel giving the people HOPE!

When you first get extreme bad news it is impossible to describe how you feel. When I look back on my life and remember when I first learned:

-My wife had cancer
-I had a terminal disease
-I was being divorce
-I had been betrayed etc.

Shock is a nice word but what does shock feel like? To be looking at the dead body of your closest friend after you had hoped and believed.

People say "Darrel how did you feel?" Did God protect you from the pain? No he never I felt it all! What does that mean?
- I never slept for 4 nights
-I prayed one prayer "God kill me if you love me please I cannot stand the pain".
-Life has no meaning.
-Do you want to lose much weight? Go through a time when all hope is gone.

Then what about FEAR!

Or what about the word NUMB!

You may not have gone through what I have been through and you say "Thank you Jesus" but you feel hopeless as you look at your problem. I hope I can encourage you some today.

Let’s see if we can think some accurate thought:

1 God love you and you are still breathing!
2 Many have it far worse than you. (All many pray for is a bowl of rice for the day then they are happy)
3. This problem or testing is going to make you a better person.
4. And YES we are going to "thank God for allowing it to come into our lives".
5. We will embrace the situation and not run from it or ask for it to be removed before we learn our lesson.

I remember when I heard demons clearly laughing at me with high voices and they were yelling "Darrel we will destroy you financially and you will never return to Indonesia".

Now what was the lesson I was to learn? The lesson was to remember the devil is always a liar.
Therefore I knew that right now God is bringing greater financial blessing to me.

When the doctors and friends tell you that your best days are behind you and the fear and hopeless feelings come down on you. Ask yourself have you learned your lesson. What is the lesson?

Will we believe our feelings and the bad news of others or will we rise over our feelings and believe what the Bible says

God says "I love you and will heal you and bless you"
God says "No weapon or plan of devil will succeed in your life"
God says "He has given you the power to heal the sick and cast out tormenting demons
God says “He has a plan to prosper you and promote you”
God says “If we BELIEVE we will experience the goodness of God!

Remember “GOOD THINGS” come from GOD and “BAD THINGS” come from the devil!

Yes you feel fear, depressed and the future looks bad but ask God to open your eyes into your future!

When you pray and call to God he hears and answers! Do you believe that!

Then get ready for the ANGELS of GOD to appear to you. They are messengers of God between heaven and earth. They bring the miracle or answered to your prayers to you.

Many religious leaders make fun of me because I see angels of God frequently! I do not pay them any attention but I keep smiling watching the angels of God bringing the blessing of God into the world!

Do you feel a little FAITH right now! Listen just pretend your miracle will happen right now. I am going to pray with you! GET READY to feel a warm healing go through your body, get ready for all the fear and hopelessness to leave!

“In the name of JESUS I have been given authority from God to heal you! I have been given authority to end the HELL in your life and family! I take that authority and agree with you that RIGHT NOW in JESUS name your body and life is changing. The power of JESUS CHRIST is on you NOW and a MIRACLE if happening to you! Yes agree with me.

Expect CHANGE Expect PROMOTION EXPECT something good to happen to you right now!

I love you… you are not lone
Darrel Stott

Monday, January 25, 2010

Something to Make You feel Good!

Where do we get our Information?

Where do we get accurate information from? There can only be one answer for us. We are the Children of God and we get our information from GOD!

The Bible teaches us "the Children of God are to be led or directed by the Spirit of God"

When you become a Christian it is not about joining a Church.

We need to get our facts straight.

The question is not whether we are Roman Catholic or Lutheran or Pentecostal. We need to ask ourselves if we are followers of Jesus Christ. A follower of Jesus Christ is called a Christian.

How do we become a Christian?

1. We must believe there is only one God. Our God consists of God the Father, God the Son and
God the Holy Spirit
2. The Bibles teaches us that everyone is born a sinner as a descendant of Adam and Eve.
3. If we continue on our own apart from Jesus Christ we will end up in a place of torment called hell.
4. But the wonderful thing is that God LOVES US SO MUCH that he sent Jesus into the world to die on the cross to shed his blood and satisfy the justice of God and thereby pay the price so our sins can be forgiven.
5. If any person believes that Jesus is God, that he is a sinner and that Jesus paid the price for his sins to be forgiven he needs to do one thing...
6. Give God an invitation to come into his life and remove his sins and then accept Jesus as your God with a purpose of living for him the rest of your life.

Yes this is how we become a Christian. John 1:12 states “That everyone who receives Jesus as their God to them He gives the power to be called the CHILDREN of GOD.

The Year 2010

If you are a Christian then you need to be excited as God is with you and has a plan to bless and help you in 2010! You are not alone God is with you.

When there is a world financial crisis God has a plan to take care of you and bless you in 2010!

But this will only happen if you BELIEVE IT!

FAITH is the KEY that unlocks your MIRACLE!

Fill your thoughts and mind with God's WORD not CNN NEWS!

FEAR in 2010

The one thing you must not do is be AFRAID!

The devil will try everything to destroy your faith in God.

His plan is to do whatever it takes to make you AFRAID!

Do you want to hear some good news? The Bible says this “When the devil comes in your life like a Tsunami wave of FEAR to destroy God will put up a big wall in front of you to STOP the plan of the devil to destroy you” But you must believe that!

When you have FEAR you will also have TORMENT and then DEPRESSION!

What destroys Depression and Fear is BELIEVING the words of Jesus. "Be not afraid for I am with you!"

This is going to be a great day!

I'm praying for you

Darrel Stott

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Let's Enjoy 2010

Some people look at a pile of shit in the field and turn away in disgust saying why do they leave shit like that!

But you and I when we see shit in 2010 will say "Look there is a pile of wonderful fertilizer that will make my flowers prettier and make my garden so productive".

It is all about our attitude and our perspective. Each day check to see if you have the right perspective. In the Bible it tells us that God loves us so much. We are so special to God! Do you believe you are special to God? If God can take care of the flowers and the birds He can take care of YOU!

Guard against being selfish! Are you a selfish person or do you prefer thinking of others? Do you continually think of you and your family and your happiness? Your finances and your future you need to repent and ask God to forgive you. This is so bad.

Daily our priority must be to cultivate our relationship with GOD and others over you. What can you do each day to bring pleasure to God? What can you do to bring a smile on his face as He watches you? The Bible tells us that if we "seek first the Kingdom of God and our relationship with Jesus that God will take care of all the details of our lives" His desire for each day is to bless us and give us the desires of our heart.

Let me share a secret with you of my life. Many times I am invited to preach in very large churches. Before God touched me I used to preach in churches usually with less than 200 people. When I began preaching to many hundreds and thousands of people I was afraid. I felt so inferior. Then I remembered something. What I desired most when I would preach was that the Holy Spirit would come upon me and the supernatural presence and power of God flow through me to the people. It is good to see people stimulated mentally but I love to see people helped and changed in a practical way. The only way I know for this to really happen is for the tangible presence of God to come into the room and change them.

I wanted to learn how I could attract the presence of the Holy Spirit. For years I attempted to do this by preparing good sermons with great illustrations. But then I learned a secret that changed my life.

The Bible says "God will show us His power when we are weak". Think about that for a moment. Let me share with you my goal when I minister.

When I stand up to preach I want the angels in heaven to say "Oh no....Darrel Stott is standing up to preach! When they look at Jesus he smiles and then says "Please turn off my phone I don't want to hear any prayers for a few minutes"

The angels whisper, "He does not know what he is going to preach and he has no notes" and they begin to laugh and get excited. Then one angel says "And we all know what he is going to say. He will tell the people that Jesus is going to come and heal them and change their lives. He will tell them nothing is too hard for God but that God will answer their prayers tonight".

Then all the angels stand and say "Darrel is in trouble again we have to go and help him. The Holy Spirit leads the angels into the room where I am preaching because when "I am weak in my own ability God will perform and how His power". I imagine Jesus smiling as he watches me preach.

Now theologians may not like this. But they need to lighten up and have a relationship where they enjoy God! And then allow God to enjoy them.

I trust you will have a wonderful day today and enjoy Jesus and try and help someone else today making them feel special!

Love you all
Darrel Stott